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                Email: th@abundantairinc.com

                Enterprise Introduction

                Beijing Tianhong Classic Decoration Engineering Design Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group. It is a professional contractor of National Architectural Decoration and Decoration Engineering and Grade B of Architectural Decoration Engineering. The company has a strong engineering management ability, strong construction technology force, all equipped with Jiangsu construction technology personnel, formed a quality control, professional construction technology management as a guarantee, the project manager is responsible for the project management mode. According to ISO-9001 international quality standard system, the company carries out internal management, establishes a standardized and standardized management system, establishes a systematic management system in the aspects of quality, technology, materials and services, establishes a perfect quality supervision and inspection control system, and fully meets the customer's requirements for project quality and safety. Requirements of time limit and cost, and the establishment of project files for all contractors, regular quality tracking, provide perfect service and guarantee. The company has passed the environmental management system certification GB/T 24001-2004 (ISO4001:2004) standards, quality management system certification GB/T 19001-2008 (idt ISO9001:2008) standards and occupational health and safety management system certification GB/T 29001-2011 standards.

                For more information about our services, please contact:400-123-1234